People's Choice Ballots

Note: This section is only for roles: Manager or Administrators

By default no ballots are created when an event is created. Ballots must be generated in the amounts you would like up-to 1000. Printing the physical ballot can be singular or in groups of 250. The ballot is configurable. See Edit People's Choice for more information.

Access People's Choice Ballots Page

  1. Login into as a manager or administrator role.
  2. Click on the event (or go to Events in the main navigation and click the event)
  3. Click on People's Choice Ballots.

Generate Ballots: While on the People's Choice Ballots page click "Generate Ballots". A modal will appear with information on the Max Allowed count of 1000, the Current Count of ballots already created and a range slider with the value above it. Using the range slider move the slider to the amount of ballots you'd like to the system to add to the current count of ballots. The system will only generate up-to 1000 and the slider will only contain the Max Allowed minus the Current Count. Click "Generate Ballots" and the page will update with the update list of ballots. The each ballot is unique.

Print Ballots: You can print a single ballot or print the ballots in groups of 250. The groups of 250 ballots will print to meet page size of 11in X 8.5in. There will be a dotted line indicating where to cut the physical printed ballot. Using your browser's print settings you may want to change the "Zoom" or "Scale" feature to fit the ballots how you would like. Each ballot is unique so you can not print the same ballot multiple times expecting unique results.