People's Choice

Configuration for people's choice gives you and your spectators a lot of ways to handle people's choice. You can configure people's choice to use the group/classes, segment the ballot by those groups/classes and assign weights. See the examples below to find out ways to configure your people's choice. Saving any changes on the People's Choice ballot configuration will wipe all previous scores because the scores will no longer align with the form. It is recommended that once the event has started that people's choice forms are not modified.

Note: This section is only for roles: Manager

Choice By

Choose groups/classes if you would like the system to use the groups/classes you have already configured. Groups/Classes option will ensure the form's options will only allow spectators the selection of the correct vehicle in each group. Optionally choose the "Segment Ballot By Group" option if you would like the groups/classes to segment the form into those groups. Turn off "Segment Ballot By Group" if you would not like the form to be segmented by groups/classes.

Choose labels if you would like to come up with something different than what is found in the groups/classes. For example: "Most Unique" or "Coolest looking" can be labels. The system will not be able to segment the vehicles when using labels so each vehicle's number will show in each label's section drop down. This could mean that the same vehicle is chosen for each label.

Weights and Places

The default weights and places allows your spectators the ability to choose their top 3 for each place they would like. The weights applies 3 points for their first place, 2 points for their 2nd place and 1 point for their third choice. This also works with "groups/classes - choice by" and the "segment ballot by group" options. Feel free to make changes to this area and save the form. Then review any ballots to see how the ballot looks.


Ex1 : I would like to configure the people's choice to allow spectators to vote for 1st, 2nd, & 3rd for each group/class and not repeat the same vehicle number in the form. Ex1 Config: Select "Group/Classes" in Choice By. Select "Segment Ballot by Group" - On. Add three Place/Choice & weight lines. Enter the weight in points for each place/choice.

Ex2: I would like spectators to choose the top 10 vehicles across any groups. Ex2 Config: "Group/Classes" in Choice By. Select "Segment Ballot by Group" - Off. Add 10 Place/Choice & weight lines. Enter the weight in points for each place/choice.

Ex3: I would like to have "Most Unique", "Best Vintage", "Best in Show", "Coolest Motorcycle"…etc as categories.
Ex3 Config: Select "Labels" - Choice By. Add a label to list for each category's name. Add a single place/choice & weight with a point value.