Payment Processor

Note: This section is only for roles: Manager


Obtain your Stripe account's publishable key and a secret key. These keys are found in the Developers > Api Keys page. Make sure to use the live keys instead of the test keys so that you are actually collecting funds. In the event that you supply test keys to driventoshow but someone uses a real credit card 'Stripe' will send an error stating the incorrect keys are being used.

  1. Log into your stripe account.Look to the upper right and make sure the 'Test mode' is NOT orange. (if so toggle it off).
  2. Click 'Developers' (next to 'Test mode')
  3. Under the word 'Developers' in the left side of the page click 'API keys'
    The Secret key may require 2 factor authentication to obtain the key.
    The keys need to have 'pklive' and 'sklive' at the beginning.
  4. Keep this page open.

  1. Log into your account (in a new or existing page).
  2. Click Events
  3. Click on your Event
  4. Click Edit
  5. Click Payment Processor
  6. Select Stripe at the option in the Payment Processor field
  7. Copy the Publishable key from the API keys page. ('pklive')
  8. Paste the Publishable key into the field of the Payment Processor page on named 'Stripe Publishable key'
  9. Copy the Secret key from the API keys page. ('sklive')
  10. Paste the Secret key into the field of the Payment Processor page on named 'Stripe Secret key'
  11. Click Submit

Once you have submitted the correct API keys to your Event you can turn on payment features such as 'Collect Payment on Self-Registions' Event > Edit Event > Settings. Toggle on 'Allow Attendees to Self-Register' and then select 'Collect Payment on Self-Registions'.

You can also turn on 'Payments' Event > Edit Event > Settings then go back and click Payments and begin collecting payments with Stripe, Credit Card (other devices), Cash, Check, PayPal, or Other payment methods.