Vehicle Physical QR Code

The physical QR codes are printed vinyl clings that use no glue but rather static electricity to adhere the printed qr code to the inside of a visible window. This allows anyone with a QR scanner enabled device to scan the QR code and pull up your vehicle's profile.

Add a new Physical QR Code:

  1. Login
  2. Click Vehicles in the main navigation
  3. Click Register Vehicle button
  4. Click Physical ID tab
  5. Enter the Vehicle ID Code found on a sticker on the backing of the physical QR code.
  6. Enter the Key Code found on a sticker on the backing of the physcal QR code
  7. Optionally Replace an existing Vehicle ID code by choosing which vehicle you'd like to replace it with.
  8. Click Submit.
  9. You will be directed to the new profile to edit the vehicles information.