Trophy assignment

Note: This section is only for roles: Manager or Judges

You can assign a trophy via the Judging Scores page and the People's Choice Scores page. You can also assign a trophy from the Trophy Assignment page. The trophy assignment page will list all the trophies added to the Edit > Trophies section. Depending on the section (Judging or People's Choice) the attendees that show when making the assignment may be filtered based on the configured criteria in the Edit > Trophies page. There is a duplicate checking feature on this page to help identify if the same attendee/vehicle is being awarded more than one trophy. If the assignment of more than one trophy is not a concern then you can toggle this feature off.

Access Trophy Assignment Page

  1. Login into as a manager or judge role.
  2. Click on the event (or go to Events in the main navigation and click the event).
  3. Click on Trophy Assignment.

Assign Trophy to attendee Click the trophy button next to the trophy you wish to assign. A filtered list of vehicles based on the trophy's configuration will appear in a modal along with their scores (Judged and People's Choice). Click the radio button for the vehicle/attendee you wish to award the trophy to. If the trophy is already awarded the radio button will already be selected and changing it will change the awarded attendee. Click Save to save the changes.

Unassign Trophy from attendee: Click the trophy button next to the trophy you with to unassign. Click the radio button marked "Unassign". Click Save. The trophy will be removed from the attendee.

Toggle On/Off Duplicate Check Duplicate checking helps to identify if the same attendee/vehicle is being awarded more than one trophy. If the assignment of more than one trophy is not a concern you can toggle this feature off. When ON and more than one trophy is assigned to a vehicle/attendee the rows will indicate with a color - the same color is used for each vehicle/attendee that matches. You can easily see from the colors which are duplicates. If no duplicate found the rows will remain their default color.