Attendees list

The attendees list is a table filled with information about each attendee. Their status, event number, vehicle information, personal information, payment status and amount as well as some actions like Dashcard Print and Edit capabilities. This list is configurable to hide a show certain fields. See Edit Display for more information.

Note: This section is only for roles: Manager or Administrators

To access the attendees pages:

  1. Login into as a manager or administrator role.
  2. Click on the event (or go to Events in the main navigation and click the event)
  3. Click on Attendees

To edit an attendee:

  1. Login into as a manager or administrator role.
  2. Click on the event (or go to Events in the main navigation and click the event)
  3. Click on Attendees
  4. Find the attendee in the page or search for the attendee
  5. Click the Edit button and edit their information.
  6. Click Save to save their information

Note: When an attendee registers from either the staff or self-registration process for the event a profile for that vehicle and person is created. An email is sent containing information on how to edit their profile, setup their account and make changes to their vehicle(s). Editing their attendee record for the event will not make changes to their user's record.

Print All Dashcards for the event: While on the attendees page click the "All Dashcards" action button above the table. A new window/tab will appear containing the dashcard of the completely list of attendees. It will take time for the QR codes to fill in and a message of "Not Ready" will appear until all dashcards are ready. The dash cards are sorted by alphabetized last name then first name.

Print the attendees list While on the attendees page click the "Print" action button above the table. A new window/tab will appear containing a more printer friendly list containing slightly more information than the attendees table.

Export attendees list While on the attendees page click the "Export" action button above the table. This will create a csv file that contains all fields from the registration form even fields that do not show in the table or print list page.

Mark payment for an attendee While on the attendees page locate the attendee on the table or search. Click their Pay button (or their current selected payment method). A modal will appear containing the amount of the payment as well as the payment method. Make any changes then click Save.

Print a single dashcard for an attendee While on the attendees page locate the attendee on the table or search. Click their Dashcard action button. A new window/tab will appear with their dashcard. To print all dashcards see the print all dashcards above.