Attendee Registration - Staff Registration

The attendee registration description below details the steps for a staff member of the event when registering an attendee. This is different from an attendee's ability to self-register if this Setting is turned on.

Note: This section is only for roles: Manager or Administrators

To edit an attendee:

  1. Login into as a manager or administrator role.
  2. Click on the event (or go to Events in the main navigation and click the event)
  3. Click on Attendees
  4. Click + Attendee
  5. Fill out the form completing each field. (This form is configurable).
  6. Click Save to save their information

Note: When an attendee registers from either the staff or self-registration process for the event a profile for that vehicle and person is created. An email is sent containing information on how to edit their profile, setup their account and make changes to their vehicle(s). Editing their attendee record for the event will not make changes to their user's record.