
Add trophies to the system in a one physical trophy to one trophy row in the trophies table. This is important because each trophy will be assigned to an attendee during the trophy assignment part of the event. The table will automatically order the trophies alphabetically.

Note: This section is only for roles: Manager


  1. Login into as a manager role.
  2. Click on the event (or go to Events in the main navigation and click the event)
  3. Click on Edit Event
  4. Click on Trophies
  5. Click +TROPHY button
  6. Name the trophy
  7. Section - choose if the trophy belongs to Any section, is for only Judged or if is only for People's Choice.
  8. Choose if the trophy is for any group or a specific group.
  9. Click Submit to save.

Trophies assignment will show trophies that are setup in a certain manor using the above configuration steps. For example: If you would like to only trophies that show up for judge vehicles that are for a particular group you can configure that trophy as such. Trophies like best in show can have a section of "Any" and a group of "Any" because best in show spans all sections and groups as an example.